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VAK’a Yarışması

Aşağıda çevre ve sürdürülebilirlik problemleri ve muhasebesi ile ilgilenen lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerimiz için bir vaka çalışması yarışması duyurusu var.

Birinci ve ikinci gelen takıma $10,000 ve $5000 ödül veriliyor.  Yarı final çevrimiçi, final de Toronto’da olacakmış ve öğrenciler için bir seyahat fonu da ayrılmış.

İlgili sınıflarınızda ve gruplarınızda duyurmanızı rica ederim…Dear colleagues and friends,

Today’s business and accounting students will have to manage a wide range of sustainability challenges upon entering the workforce. To succeed, and more importantly, to help shape and drive a sustainable economy, these students will require both theoretical and practical sustainability skills. Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) aims to address this knowledge gap

I am thrilled to announce that the Schulich School of Business will be hosting the 2025 Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) International Case Competition (A4SICC)! (see A4SICC Communications Deck here)

As a leader in sustainability education, Schulich, with the support of the Erivan K. Haub Chair in Business & SustainabilityAccounting for Impact and Net Impact Schulich, is proud to host this important competition, which empowers students with the critical sustainability skills they will need to tackle the social and environmental challenges of the future and thrive in the workplace. We invite you to learn more about the competition, explore ways to get involved, and support the next generation of sustainability leaders. Visit the official webpage for more details and to see how you can engage with this exciting opportunity.

What is the competition?

Established in 2018, A4SICC provides an opportunity for business and accounting students to develop and apply their skills to solve sustainability challenges in a commercial environment – supporting us all to transition to a sustainable economy. By engaging students in how we can solve pressing global problems, we are equipping them with the tools and skills to meet the social and environmental challenges ahead.

For the 2025 competition, students are invited to select one of the world’s 2,000 most influential companies from the World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 list and examine its approach to corporate decarbonization within the broader context of a fair and just climate transition.

Get your students involved

A4SICC offers your students a transformative and practical learning experience as well as the chance to: 

  • Travel to Toronto, Canada for the face-to-face finals
  • Win a cash prize of CA$10,000 (winning team) or CA$5,000 (runner-up)!
  • Access the internships linked to the competition
  • Cultivate critical skills for sustainable business development
  • Connect with industry leaders
  • Contribute to the advancement of sustainable business practices

You can find an overview of the competition and links to easy-to-use templates to excite and engage your students in this A4SICC Communications Deck. Watching the video from A4SICC 2024 is a great way to get a feel for the competition. Find out more on the A4S website here, contact the A4SICC team at to get involved, and feel free to share this information with your colleagues and networks.




Charles H. Cho, PhD, CPA

Professor of Sustainability Accounting

Erivan K. Haub Chair in Business & Sustainability

Schulich School of Business | York University

Tel: +1 (416) 736-2100 ext. 33677



X: @charlescho7705


View my bio and research:

Google Scholar Profile

Editor, Accounting Forum

Section Co-Editor, Journal of Business Ethics

Associate Editor, Business & Society

Co-Editor, Research Handbook on Accounting and Ethics

Co-Founder of Accounting for Impact


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